MovieChat Forums > PotatoWithEyes > Replies
PotatoWithEyes's Replies was hinted at that Demetri may have some potential when it comes to defense, but that's about it. No way he could've beat someone who came in third in the tournament. (I have watched the whole season now).
He occasionally makes a 90's reference, but yeah it's like he was living under a rock for the whole 21st century.
Me either. I have seen all Marvel movies (not just MCU movies) since the first X-Men in the theater except for the Blade sequels and the 2015 Fantastic Four. Yep, I even saw Punisher: War Zone and the Ghost Rider sequel.
I have seen all DC movies going back to Batman Returns (was too young to have seen the first Burton Batman in the theater) in the theater except Catwoman, Constantine, and Jonah Hex. Yes, I saw Steel and Green Lantern...
This is another example of how Punisher is different on his own show than in Daredevil Season 2. The Punisher of Daredevil Season 2 would NOT have let the child pornographer or the crime boss live.
No, I haven't....I'm six episodes in. You mean to tell me I have to wait until the final scene of the SECOND season to see the character from Daredevil Season 2?
I don't object to people liking the show...if you like it, fine, but it doesn't feel like the Punisher comics from ANY era.
Yes, he spends time defending himself, but also he is proactive in seeking out criminals to kill. He's not on this show.
Honesty, it doesn't even feel like the same character as in Daredevil Season 2.
I know this...there were WAY TOO many scenes with Punisher and Micro's family in Season 1.
I have now watched the episode...the only thing I caught was a character saying "we got rid of the landline." I think most people (other than senior citizens) had gotten rid of them even in 2013.
You don't have to be a liberal and/or Trump-hater to be shocked that he's president. I think most people five years ago would've thought the next president would either be Hillary or a conventional Republican.
I first saw the episode a few months before Trump's campaign started...yeah, I definitely saw parallels.
It was still better than the season 3 that was a BORING episode where nothing happened.
Yes he did the other characters.
He also talked too much in Daredevil Season 2, but it was even worse on this show.
I liked the films better too...I don't care if this show had better production values...the movies were at least entertaining and somewhat faithful to the comics.
[quote]Just a little too much of Micros family[/quote]
Thank you! While I see many people complaining that the female agent had too much screen time,I thought I was the only one who felt the same way about Micro's God, Frank had more scenes with them than he did shooting people!
I didn't think the previous Netflix Marvel shows had too much talking, but this one sure as hell did. And no, I don't think the show should've been nothing but action so cut it out with that straw man. Still, it's the friggin' definitely needed more action and less of Micro's family/the government agents.
It feels like this show incorporated all the bad things about the Punisher's portrayal in Daredevil S2 while jettisoning the good aspects.
The first episode was slow, but it at least ended on a high note. Then it was just 12 episodes of pointless characters yapping endlessly with an occasional gunfight or torture scene thrown in.
"Gene Hackman wasn't pre-crisis Lex Luthor"
Uh...I don't think that one helps your case.
"If accuracy hinders quality, it is to be disregarded."
And if alterations hinder quality, as it did with this show, they should be disregarded as well.
"Which means nothing if your writing, direction and performances are dogshit."
The movies were entertaining. The show was boring. What difference does it make which was better-made except maybe for awards or film school purposes?
"Delightful. The writers knew that would be trite, boring and stupid to watch over a 13 hour stretch and rightfully ignored purists. Besides, it's not like he got reformed in any way, those scenes were meant to show his desire to return to a normal life, not his capacity to do so."
They could've made their point with just one or two scenes of him bonding with Micro's family rather than ten. And the Homeland Security agent had way too much exposition...she wasn't that interesting.
I think you're misunderstanding my criticism. My main problem wasn't that Frank emoted or had a conscience, but rather, there was just too much of that theme and too little actual punishing going on. Also, there were too many scenes of Micro's family and also of the government agent whining about how hard her job was. I realize the show couldn't be all action all the time, but there should've been way more than there was.
For the record, I thought Punisher did too much emoting in Daredevil Season 2 as well, but the ratio of that to violently murdering criminals wasn't nearly as lopsided as it was on this show.
[quote]That's why he killed a bunch of guys at the end of the first episode even though they had nothing to do with revenge. [/quote]
And that may have been the only time in the entire show when it felt like the Punisher comics.
Yeah, I thought the first episode was a solid 7/10 and with a violent, action-packed ending, I thought for sure things would pick up in the subsequent episodes...boy was I wrong! It continued to get more boring.
Disappointed no one has recommended the Marvel Knights's tamer than the MAX series, but still good, solid, well-written Punisher action.