batman6's Replies

No, a scourging is the only way. She needs to whip them bloody. She should have punished her victims with scourging. Perhaps Rick needs to punish Sasha and Rosita with a scourging? And how is that? And Earth-2 Harrison is dumb enough to buy into that shit. She needs to be scourged. I'd say she needs scourging. Negan should have had her scourged as punishment for trying to kill him. I'm actually surprised Tara made it this far after her day in the limelight. Okay, what about me? Dawn should have been scourged as punishment. These parents need scourging. Not interested. I just saw the trailer and had an urge to comment on how SJW it looked. Yeah, I noticed one of them on the Wipe Your Nose, X23 thread. But what has it got to do with this topic? Rachel needs scourging. Rachel should have been scourged as punishment. They need scourging. So how would one go about scourging her?