whiskeyTango-06's Replies

hopefully he will be back? they saved the best for last -- outstanding finale! i hardly think his arrival will be able to re-write these initial episodes... though it would be a welcomed change!! i cannot believe all the hype!! it was great to see a friendly face waiting for him. HEY LIME-JUICER -- GO FUCK YOURSELF. yes!! 😂😂😂 ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ GOOD! it's all over the place from week-to-week... and keeps pegging the silly meter. won't be around much longer. well you don't go into battle hoping that the &quot;odds are even&quot; — warfighting is not a sporting event. you go in as best as you can to bring an *overwhelming* force, with one goal in mind: to destroy your opponent as quickly — and with as few losses of your own — as possible. indeed. gibson directed &quot;Passion of the Christ&quot; but didn't star it in... plus, he was the original (and best) Mad Max. just trying to get things sorted, mate... that you can't take a laugh is your own problem. why in such a wad? so why making lies about me, then? who the fuck are you that i would care so much as to purposely follow ye? piss-off, mate... enjoy yourself. PLEASE STOP FOLLOWING ME AROUND THIS SITE AND BOTHERING ME... go where you're wanted, ya gobbler! url test: <a href="http://moviechat.org">MovieChat.org</a> what's a mouse? :) (a repeat): well i think it's a bit more about the MAGNIFICENT TRANSFER from imdb to MC.o? we're all in a state of flux, and want to best support this effort with &quot;fluid traffic&quot;? well i think it's a bit more about the MAGNIFICENT TRANSFER from imdb to MC.o? we're all in a state of flux, and want to best support this effort with &quot;fluid traffic&quot;? why in god's are you having a go at me? what is your problem with my asking questions about how this forum works... and calling it &quot;trolling&quot;? i was having a laugh, but as anyone can see mahrez99 is truly are sack-snuffer. cheers! but back then, in the early 2017's, we knew that they *might* be there. thank you so much for explaining my thought so much better than myself can. i do understand the need to keep DEAD THREADS going, but we surely might like to know if we are here -- or in a seance? ha-haa! you nailed it... thank you!