whiskeyTango-06's Replies

the ipad app has always had adverts. yet tons of links on this site go right back to them -- this site helps them by doing that, no? you might try reading a proper history book? yet tons of links on this site right back to them. this site helps them by doing that. yet tons of links on this site right back to them. this site helps them by doing that. yet tons of links on this site right back to them. this site helps them by doing that. then why many links to old site from here? that wasn't a fucking poem, it was a question. he is still winning since this site largely funnels traffic to his no one. 😂😂😂 was digging this until i hit "appland" used to work for them hated it mostly sometimes poetry just doesn't work FUCK OFF!!! thank god you're actually allowed to say "fuckers" here. and how do you know they've not watched it... and after much thought do not like it? are you saying every critic is a troll? am i "trolling" you right now or am i not thinking about this post? maybe i'm not a troll because i'm not calling you names? what if i called you a name, smelly-hands? shut up, troll. fair enough then... and this proves my point. this is an active discussion, isn't it -- since MC.o pulled the imdb archive, i am just asking: can we know if the other person is there or not? none of my business? a curiosity? a daft thinker? excellent point... but it's not all about the OP, is it? for specific-type queries, might it be best to know if the bloke on the "other end of the line" is still listening? well put! exactly -- not having a go at anyone, just refreshing the topic. jim is a very busy man... i ask/post this here to possibly help get it sorted; reply or not, it's a fact that he reads these posts. do we have freedom here... or limits? yet if you're talking about me, mate, just say it -- i do not bite... but i only have web access a few days a week; my apologies. i'm simply asking since these archives in which we swim reach back quite far, and only a relative few of those authors have joined-up here. why should we reply to someone who is no longer "here"?