gcarras's Replies

VERY happy BIRTHDAY! Happy birthday.. I first saw it today and enjoyed it! I a;ready have 1 of the books! Doug Walker is right here. (NOSTALGIA CRITIC, CHANNEL AWESOME!) For one, Pocaontas was a little girl aged to a TEENAGER, or SUPERMODEL. Even Tex Avery, at Leon Schlesinger/Warner Bros/Vitaphone (in 1938's JOHNNY SMITH AND POCAHONTAS, starroing Egghead :)),used her as a little girl..for an example.. Agreed! Happy Birthday! RIP ANita.,.,! Go see it. I did last weekend (January 4) and enjoyed it.It is,btw, as pointed out otherwise on the m'board, part of a miniseries.At the end, the star actually shows you how/where to scan for more! At least he bashes Justin Bieber! Not to mention HIGHWAY 61 REVISITED's title song shows up in a major marital dispute between Johnny (Joaquin) and June (Reese Witherspoon in her great Oscar winning role) in WALK THE LINE. Yes...:) I wonder.. I watch YouTube videos* on them, from a number of contributors*, and listen to all of the family members and friends..l *Be Thee Commentator Kyeluh being those with multiple videos, with some from MsMojo, and one from Candace Owens. A 1983 take had been done with Loretta Swit.. Me,too. You know now, 8 yrs later, Lionsgate HAS released a hit remake with Judy Greer and Lauren Graham, and Molly Belle Wright. Saw and loved it today. Happy b'day.. RIP Teri. Alright, Naomi Scott. LOL! Heyn Skye,I loved your movie I've seen it. Trust me. It's not.Very good. RIP Mitzi Gaynor.