mobocracy's Posts

Not believable enough for noir, not surreal enough for an indie The ending fizzled (SPOILERS) Should she have launched to more fame after Heat? This mostly works, but... Joined Scientology and quit acting Should be cast as sisters with Daisy Edgar Jones The daughter's illness Hector could still win (spoilers) Anderson is in charge of the FBI investigation instead of Ward Hackman's confrontation with Pell and Baily in the beer joint turns out differently Could Rufus Sewell substitute for Ian McShane? My problems with this setup Why did Moss engineer the break-in? Looks just like Elisabeth Moss Originally was this intended to be sort of serious? Technically how is sex like this filmed? I kind of like him even if he's a Dollar Store Christian Bale Ellen McElduff (Judy) was 22 when this film was made S1 ending -- was anyone else expecting a final twist? Was this meant to seen as set in Indonesia?