MovieChat Forums > Eight for Silver (2022) Discussion > Great Atmopheric Sound in the Theater

Great Atmopheric Sound in the Theater

Saw it last night and reminded me of how important theater quality sound can be for a horror film.

Sean Ellis (director, writer, cinematographer) does an excellent job building the atmosphere and mostly shies away from jump scares.

One of the most terrifying scenes is an ambush on a gypsy settlement that is shown entirely in a single wide shot. Seeing the entire scene play out in a single shot as opposed to quick cuts underscored the chaos and brutality.


I must agree on the assault on the Gypsy camp. It was a good decision to handle the scene that way. Brutal as it was, it increased the following moments. That distance really worked well and must have been a big project to choreograph.


Indeed. I imagine they spent a good deal of time rehearsing that scene since all the elements had to be synced perfectly.

I was trying to think of other horror films that used this wide shot approach but none came to mind.
