Where does the food comes from?
I missed explanation. If there was one.
All those people have to eat something. They even have cafe where people are served food and coffee. Does it just magically appear in the fridge too?
They did try to explain electricity thing and wasted few episodes on that. Only to declare at the end that its just appears somehow and wires go deep and if you dig deep then house will collapse. And then everyone shrugged and stopped trying to find answers.
And cafe thing. Why is anyone even serving food and works there? In real word people work as waitresses, janitors and cooks for money. Here no one pays money. People just come and expect free food and service. And they can also be mean while doing it. Yet some characters willingly submit themselves as free servants. Why? Are they just bored or what?
Someone has to clean dishes. Someone has to cook. And nothing in return. While others just chill out all says.