Hanoi Hannah radio broadcast factually accurate in this trailer?
Hanoi Hannah's radio broadcasts were a regular event. Did she really target "Black" soldiers with propaganda? From Wikipedia:
One of her typical broadcasts began as follows:https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/10/05/496662815/hanoi-hannah-whose-broadcasts-taunted-and-entertained-american-gis-dies-at-87
"How are you, GI Joe? It seems to me that most of you are poorly informed about the going of the war, to say nothing about a correct explanation of your presence over here. Nothing is more confused than to be ordered into a war to die or to be maimed for life without the faintest idea of what's going on."
As part of North Vietnam's efforts to demoralize U.S. troops, Trinh read the names and hometowns of GIs killed in action, taken from Stars and Stripes.share
To reinforce her message, Trinh played anti-war folk tunes such as Pete Seeger's "Where Have All The Flowers Gone?" and rock songs such as "We Gotta Get Out Of This Place," by The Animals.
She also highlighted economic and racial inequalities in the U.S., and the Detroit riots of 1967.
"Isn't it clear that the war makers are gambling with your lives, while pocketing huge profits?" she asked U.S. troops that summer. Trinh did not talk about U.S. victories or the horrible losses suffered by North Vietnam.