MovieChat Forums > Invasion (2021) Discussion > An absolute waste of time.

An absolute waste of time.

I tapped out after 2 episodes, and I seriously doubt it gets better. You should be a movie/program that you say you're gonna be. If you're a horror movie, show horror. If you're a comedy, be funny. No one watches porn to NOT see it. If you're gonna be an alien invasion movie, invade.

This is like watching a soap drama on Lifetime TV. If I wanna see that crap, I'd go there and see it.

Apple really produces some weak originals.


Plot twist: it got better.


It did ... particularly the special effects for the aliens. The only problem was there was no ending? I don't think they plan on doing a second season, do they?


It most certainly did.


Tetris and Coda were both great, and I have enjoyed For All Mankind. Oh, and Greyhound was an interesting watch.

Other than those, there's nothing else Apple has done in the originals department that has excited me.


what about "The Boys"


The Boys is a Amazon show.


Have you seen Black Bird? I thought that was great.


I have not seen that one. Maybe I'll have to check it out. Right now I'm actually watching Silo, which is pretty good so far.


I watched Silo over the summer and liked it. Looking forward to season 2.

I'd definitely recommend Black Bird. It's really interesting and Paul Walter Hauser gives a great performance as a creepy serial killer.


I thought "Big Little Lies", "Bad Sisters", "Silo", "The Morning Show" were all very good.
I'm very disappointed in "Foundation".
"For All Mankind" was great and innovative - not often we see original creativity like that.
I also thought "Station Eleven" was entertaining.
"Shrinking" was clever and funny.


TrentnQuarantino - any other sci-fi you would recommend on Apple besides “for all mankind”?


"Station 11"
I didn't like it, but some might - "Foundation"

Apple have not ventured far into the Sci-Fi genre. I hope they do more.


Thanks! I’ll check out your recommends. I started “Foundation”, but it didn’t grab me.


For All Mankind has been very good so far. I am about three eps into Silo and it also is quite good.

My dad is enjoying Foundation but I lost interest after the first episode.


This was so boring that I actually “forgot” to keep watching it, lol


I loved season 1
Im 30min into S2E1 now and om out!


first episode of season 2 is very bad. I was worried, but it gets on track in episode 2.


It’s a sci fi soap opera, with ridiculous plot twists and obvious cliffhangers. Shows like Manifest use the same tactics to drag out the plot with one huge mystery that will never, ever get solved because they just want to milk it to get more and more seasons.
