
Falling monsters from the sky, and lights turning off and on and the ground shaking. None of it makes any sense or seems interesting or remotely like a story ... just a bunch of unrelated special effects shook up together with unrelated story lines. I was hoping this might be worth watching.

I'd give the first episode a 2/5, and that is generous.


I got bored watching it.Spreads itself thin with too many characters and stories.Didn't really care about any of them.


Yeah, but also what they showed did not makes sense, and the stupid device of the lights going off and the house shaking makes no sense at all


I thought if nothing else the sci fi stuff would hook me but it was as boring as the characters.


I made it to the third episode but quit half way through, there are so many badly written characters in this show, it must be the most boring alien invasion ever made.
