MovieChat Forums > Night Swim (2024) Discussion > So the pool is haunted?

So the pool is haunted?

They discover this early on, yet keep going in it? Wow these idiots deserved to die! They even threw a pool party so other innocents could meet their backyard murder ghost.

You don't even have to move away. Seems like they could have solved all their problems by simply draining the pool.




The wife did drain the pool but the husband was already possessed.


That should have been the first thing she did, not in the last 5 minutes after numerous pool ghost encounters, a couple near drownings, and the death of her husband.

I just got a new smoker that I love, but if a hand ever reaches out of it and grabs me, I'm getting rid of it immediately, not waiting until it kills a neighborhood kid at my next BBQ.


You can always try an exorcism.


I wonder how they explained how the husband died and everything to the police and shit like that, since they did destroy the pool and everything at the end.


They'd sadly have to lie and say he abandoned them, as anything else would bring too many questions. Not like they can tell the truth.


True, but a major league baseball player like the husband going missing would definitely have some questions attached to it.


'They discover this early on, yet keep going in it? Wow these idiots deserved to die!'



Couldn't you basically say that about every horror movie ever made? The _____ is haunted so they keep going in.

The house. The closet. The garage. The hotel. The car. The room. The bathtub. The ocean.


Here's why it's different. Typically in these types of movies, the haunting will be much more subtle so it's plausible that they stay, or the characters just flat out can't leave.

In this piece of shit, 3 out of 4 members of the family have been attacked by pool zombies(very early), and they still have the neighborhood pool party.

Imagine the shining, except the creepy twins are standing at the entrance to greet the family upon arrival and the blood tidal wave happens 10 minutes in. Them staying after that would be bonkers!
