MovieChat Forums > Resident Evil (2022) Discussion > I don't see the appeal of this videogame...

I don't see the appeal of this videogame franchise: stupid name, stupid number of entries for both games and movies

Evil doesn't exist, it's just something bad that is given that name by Christian types. And "resident" is another stupid term, any entity not just "resident" in one place, but resident everywhere.

I never played the videogames, didn't care for the stupid movies. Why should I care what this stupid franchise is about? Zombies, for one thing, have been done to DEATH, even then.




I never played the videogames

Then your opinion means diddly squat


Probably, but those sort of games never appealed to me in the first place.


Sure. I get it.


Damn you are stupid. You never played the gamein, didnt care for the movie....YET HERE YOU ARE....πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


the original premise was pretty interesting and original - to a point
but much like the terminator franchise.... if you keep running the same story line again and again and again..... eventually people will figure out that you are a one trick pony and have nothing original to offer

this series is trying to differentiate itself from the earlier reiterations by having a mostly female cast, but that too has been done to many other franchises with a dismal result


boring already and they had to hire the girl from the awful reboot of Charlie's Angels.


Well in the 90's they made two decent games (RE1, RE3) and one really great game (RE2) Then in 2000 they made a really great game (Code Veronica) and a below decent game (RE0) in 2002 and since modernizing it in 2005 the games have been mostly awful with the two Villiage games being slightly above decent but the Normies just eat them up because thats what Normies do and thats who this series and the movies are made for is the Normies while all the real Resident Evil fans stopped caring about the franchise after 2002.
