A rational, reasonable opinion...
(Those are allowed, yes?)
I liked the film. I thought it was well-made. I thought Carey Mulligan was terrific. The movie kept my interest and I liked the twists and turns.
That all said: good God! We're not ALL rapists and predators. We're really not. But the movie was clearly making the point that we (males) all are. I give you exhibit A: the little notebook. Judas Priest, there were HUNDREDS of marks, meaning hundreds of men. Pages and pages of them. Exhibit B: there were no decent males in the movie, save, perhaps, for her father. But even he seemed fairly clueless. Exhibit C: the boyfriend was an Everyman character. Likeable. Agreeable. The kind of character you become invested in. As a man, I related to him (just like the movie wanted me to.) And then what happens? BAM! He's a slime ball, too. You see? Everyman is a slime ball. Every man is a slime ball.
Hey, I'm a free market, first amendment guy. If you've got an axe to grind and the money to make a film by which to grind it, go for it. But that doesn't make your opinion accurate, Ms. Fennell. And in this case, not by a long shot.