no new movies to look forward to, no new music etc. ... doesn't sound appealing in the long run.
shareThere are already enough movies, books and music ever made to be enjoyed for hundreds of years.
sharei don't think so, let's face it: with the pandemic, we're basically living in a similar situation right now. all the big movie highlights for 2020 have been postponed, so i spend most of the time watching old movies, catching up with some classics. for example, i've already seen more than 75% of the imdb top 250 and the remaining stuff are films that i'm not that interested in. so what is there to be enjoyed for hundreds of years as you say? if you can't look forward to new movies by your favorite directors, if you've already seen all the classics and even most of the hidden gems... you will be stuck with the mediocrity that remains.
shareWell maybe I'm not a film junkie. I like movies, but they are just that, movies. A cheap entertainment to waste 2 hours of your free time or so. If I run out of movies... pfft, big deal. I'll play videogames, listen to music, read books, etc.
shareI think that's the underlying point of time-loop stories - You can enjoy consequence-free pleasures forever. In certain ways you can do superhuman things. But after enough time - 50 years? 100? 1,000? 10,000? - those pleasures will have no meaning. It will all feel pointless. Heaven becomes a living hell!
shareYeah but thats a looong time compared to real life and all its crap.
shareI think the key element in this hypothetical time-loop-for-fun scenario should be
"There is an exit button , one way deal , how long before you push it?"
How long before you get so bored you return to fending for yourself and ... growing old!
I think I could go like 2 or 3 years. Do all the crazy stuff there is to do. Then come back to family/work life.
my first instinct is longer , reminds ne of my current life lol
although the daily reset would get annoying ,
but at least i wouldnt start any house renovations or car restorations that never get finished (like now)
i cant wait till these jobs are done and each day is the same with no long term projects to do 🤣
Humm, I think after 3 years you’d get tired of living the same day no?
shareyeah probly, I'm just thinking what the specific differences are from people who basically do this anyway
Go to work - do same stuff all day , go to bar after have a couple beers , eat , sleep , repeat.
only difference is the stuff in the newspaper and on the tv repeats
If you normally have 6 different buddies that you rotate playing squash with on a tuesday night , you dont need a 6 week timeloop to accomodate that , you just need the one day
You could still read every book in the library , and watch every show on netflix
I guess once your new expanded circle of friends are repeating the same predictable lines, despite your attempts to divert conversation into new territory its time to quit .
Good points. I also think that in our case, we are able to travel so what destination can I go to and be able to enjoy within 24 hours?
There are quite a few. Especially that I will get myself a personal jet pilot (by gun point! Lol). So yeah, maybe 3 years isn’t enough to watch all the movies I want to see and travel all the countries I want to travel and fuck all the girls I want to… oops, I mean… read all the books I want to read
That concept would make an original film as far as I know.
shareIf you are into extreme sports, you could take even madder chances with your life without having to worry about failing. The next day you'll just restart anyway.
Maybe the fact that you'd know you wouldn't permanently die would take away a lot of the thrill, though.
That's all I could think of throughout the film(and also when I watched Groundhog).
I envied them so much.
I feel like I'm the one stuck.
Time is going really fast, but I can't get things done quickly enough.
I'm too afraid to take risks due to the consequences, too concerned about what others think etc.
I wish I could relive the same date over and over again.
I would use it to gain knowledge, develop as a person, experience the extremities of this world. Take risks, go Ted Bundy, etc.