5.1/10 is harsh.

Decent low budget horror flick. Does a better job at creeping you out than most of that hipster horror shit that clowns worship.

Just as good as Last Shift (2014).

Worth a 6.5 or so.


Just peeped the IMDb reviews. Yep as expected almost every single negative one references Last Shift. This movie is getting clubbed with that 'remakes are bad' baseball bat to the head.

That always happens. Any time I've seen someone bad mouth The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) it's always because they compare it to the original. Even the few times I see a review and it seems they genuinely don't like it...you get to the end and see "watch the original instead". There it is. Ha.



The movie is decent, so people should ignore the whole Last Shift thing. They are doing an amazing job with a small budget and without using CGI. Great job.
The story works, sure, has flaws, but is quite a good watch.

Horrible what Rotten & Imdb have become.
