When Is Hollywood Going To Learn?
When is Hollywood going to learn that jumpscares DO NOT EQUAL horror? This movie was supposed to be a horror movie, but after watching it, it really wasn't all that horror. Just a ton of jumpscares throughout. But I've seen some reviews say the movie is the definition of horror. Yeah, okay, if you say so. That's if your definition of horror is constant jumpscares. If Doctor Strange 2 is horror, then so was the first Doctor Strange, Spider-Man: Far From Away (because of the Mysterio sequence with zombie Iron Man), Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 (the beginning where they fight the monster creature), Thor 2, Iron Man 3 (the nightmare scene of the Iron Man suit attacking Tony, and "The Mandarin" bits/clips along with people turning into zombies/husks), and maybe Captain America: The Winter Soldier (it was more of a political thriller and had a serious/dark tone to it). There was nothing different in the movie than what we've already seen in previous MCU movies. The movie just has the most jumpscares out of any MCU movie. So with that, jumpscares DO NOT EQUAL horror.