Any good? Who has seen it?

What say you? You are welcome here.


I've seen it and yes, it is good. I would rate it an 8/10.


I enjoyed it a considerable amount. It isn't a masterpiece, but it's quite good. Like most of the MCU films, it has its own personality and style, but with that consistent tone that unites the films. It's unlike any of the films that have preceded it in th franchise, yet it fits snugly into the universe Feige has built.


It's very good, my favorite Marvel Universe project since "Avengers: Infinity War". It's fun, exciting, dramatic, the humor doesn't drag things down, the movie has a lot of energy. I grew up watching a lot of martial art movies, mostly Chinese, and the fight scenes were a blast! The end battle with lots of CGI was more interesting than the "Avengers: Endgame" finale.

In case you don't know, there are both a mid credits and a post credits scene.


if i have a complaint, it's that there's a fight scene early on that i completely dug, that i thought was almost as fun and thrilling as the the raid, and i was hoping for more things like that. but it never quite gave me anything that great again.

but it's still good and very much worth checking out. it's fun, has some great sights and has a few surprises and genuine laughs.

you could do and almost certainly have done worse things with your time. so go see it, i say!


saw it with a friend, but I'm not interested in super hero films much at all. Liked IRON MAN until the CGI ending, maybe one or two others....

this was watchable, but ending was boring, predictable CGI yawner TO ME, again. I won't buy it or watch it again, just not my thing.


As I said in another post, I enjoyed it. The movie critics are over-rating it, but it was an enjoyable movie. It’s the first phase 4 MCU thing I liked since WandaVision.

That said, it relied too much on action scenes and not enough on plot and characters. Other MCU movies had their action spread throughout and spent a lot of time on their characters.
