MovieChat Forums > El Camino (2019) Discussion > I LOVE Breaking Bad, but this movie was ...

I LOVE Breaking Bad, but this movie was only... alright (spoilers)

I try not to set myself up for disappointment, but I couldn't help myself. I've watched the entire B.B. series 5 times now over the years, and was very excited for this. I turned it on, got my snacks ready, tuned out any distractions and focused...

The movie was only alright. Had some decent moments, but if you've already seen the movie as I have you'll understand what I'm saying. It was VERY nice to see Jesse have a "happy" ending, but everything just felt too forced. The money scene, the standoff at the welding shop. Why was there even a scene with the hookers in it??? Just seemed to pad the runtime. Too much Todd. Bryan Cranston's head looked weird. Everyone was too fat. No Huell (probably still waiting). Ugh, I'm actually kind of depressed now that it's soaking in. This is the very last thing of B.B. that us fans will ever get.... Gilligan had 7 years to come up with a masterful movie and I feel let down.

Vince Gilligan is great at TV shows, but maybe that's where he should stay.


I am okay with the scope of the movie. Breaking Bad was never about anything grand or epic. It was about a high school teacher turning into a drug kingpin. Jesse’s story didn’t need to be any bigger than it was.
