just saw the trailer

I said W T F

they literally made this? omg you libs are fucking hopeless. just hopeless. have not seen it, BUT DO I EVEN NEED TO? because i can tell you it is surely to be pure propaganda. fucking showtime, smdh

know what, you motherfuckers give it your best shot, lol. we'll all hold our breath and see what happens.


It seems they didn't get Trump right... Doesn't feel like him... Too ominous and brooding, whereas Trump is more showbiz, casual and charming in that reality TV/real estate guy way...

High quality cast.

Given that the democrats are still droning on about Russia, Russia, Russia, I think there is a small NY Times reading audience that will watch this, unironically... lol


lol yes. a mutual admiration society echo chamber.

they are blinded by rage, sadly


I think it'll be at least a decade before we get a proper Trump movie


Everyone will be holding their breaths on Nov 3.


It seemed like he was trying to mimic Trumps mannerisms when speaking to a large crowd and not so much how you’d see him in a one on one conversation. It also seemed like he tried to sneak some part 1 Vito Corleone in there.


Kinda funny because there is already investigation on Comey by Attorney John Durham.


I too believe they'll find nothing really substantial. Some texts and only 1 FBI lawyer or something came under fire.
