Cringeworthy and quite bad. Very unexpected for Jeff Ross
Jeff Ross is a pretty killer roaster. Over the years he's been on almost all Celebrity Roasts and has actually had several funny and amazing moments. The Bruce Willis roast was wickedly good and enjoyable. Everyone expected him to deliver and he did.
Historical Roasts is interesting as a concept but the whole thing was very cringeworthy. I watched the Lincoln one which seemed very off and even the audience there did not feel it. The jokes and situations seemed forced and no one was laughing as much nor clapping as much.
It was some forced clapping to keep it going.
Natasha was very cringeworthy
Jeff Ross took this way too seriously and tried to knock it out of the next park. Sadly he was in a different park so obviously it's a dud.
Lame attempt that falls flat. Probably will be canceled soon.