I only disagree with about 100% of this (like the majority and yours truly does with the OP about the phenomenal Endgame). Or something super, super close to that, yeah. Hehe.
With that, THANK YOU Disney for doing the week to week release! (Really love how they’re dedicated to doing the opposite of Netflix with virtually all their original streaming shows.) So much better and more fulfilling than a binge watch. And thankfully, it looks to me like many (not everyone obviously) used to binging new streaming shows are totally on board with this approach. Now other streaming services are going with the old way of dropping episodes weekly... and I’m loving it! Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy binging almost as much as the next person (and I shall do that with WandaVision after it concludes). But! I’m glad the binge-format we’ve gotten accustomed to has far from completely taken over. The traditional format just works better for certain shows (definitely mystery shows, high-profile shows, etc). Meh, why mince words? I f’n prefer weekly! Love them cliffhangers and the anticipation/excitement of having a new episode every week. Mmm! Keep it going, Disney!#ThisIsTheWay
Lastly, unimpressed critics and overall detractors of WandaVision be damned! From the boring anti-MCU trolls, the fans who wanted something more familiar to basically everyone who spoke too early/are foolishly claiming that this series is pointless and it’s going nowhere (and naturally there’s no shortage of any of these naysayers up here in this oh-so-positive-place)... whether you end up admitting it or not proven wrong you shall! ;) This series is going into much different places and it’s been doing it splendidly, if you will. This is only the beginning of this new era of the MCU, so said detractors watch out.