Line up the excuses by bigots.

If the film is critically successful and financially these are the excuses you will hear.

The critics are paid by Disney to give it a good review. No one is capable of genuinely liking this film without being a paid shill or a sensitive leftist sjw.

The movie making money is a gigantic conspiracy. They are making up the numbers claiming it made tons of money when in reality it bombed.

If it failed financially they will be the first people to then claim box office number are accurate. Get ready for these wave of bigots to come out of the woodwork.


It really could go either way. 1st one was just below what I'd call good. It had some great scenes but kinda sucked. This could drop on either side of the fence pt one straddles.

I think it is crude to throw around the word "bigots" when discussing taste/quality prophecies. Smart people don't paint with such a wide brush.


Some people dislike it for legit reasons. However you know as well as I do some people dislike it for bigoted reasons. I personally think it's good not great or a masterpiece but competent. See what's funny is people don't treat other mcu films that are average or just competent with the same level of scrutiny. I wonder why.


For real-----I haven't seen one actual damn discussion of the film itself on these boards. All I've seen is a bunch of trolls whining about how they don't like films with political messages or ones that don't have good stories, and all this other bull****, even though none of them seem to actually have seen Wakanda Forever, which is a pretty darn good film in its own right. It has become a worldwide box office smash, but that mean nothing to these trolls who won't ever go see it. They're just mad that it even exists, lol.


Not all of it is racist based.

I grew up reading Black Panther comics and loved them. I was excited when the character was introduced in the MCU.

But his solo movies were awful, especially the new one. Great cast but badly written and directed.

Though nice try by you attempting to use racism to cover up those weaknesses.


By who's metric are the solo films awful? You are in the minority in thinking that.


According to my many years of watching films and understanding what works and what doesn’t and my personal preferences.

You telling me you base what you do or don’t like on what others feel? If the masses love it, you jump on the bandwagon and love it too? Why? A desperate attempt to be liked?

Think for yourself.


I don't always agree with the majority. However others don't need your stamp of approval in order to consider a film great. I don't like gone with the wind much but it's considered a great film. It doesn't need my approval for others to think that.


Point out where I said others should feel the same way I do.


I never claimed you said that. I was simply asking who should I put more credibility in the mass majority or some random user on a board? I have yet to see the new Black Panther but who should I listen to upon recommendation you or the mass majority of people when it comes to seeing it? I already disagree with you in claiming the first Black Panther to be awful. Do I think it is a masterpiece? No but to claim it to be awful is quite a big stretch in my book. I think it is a good film with flaws. Anytime I disagree with people on Black Panther hostility usually ensues and it is irritating. You can't just generally think it is a good film without the vocal minority lobbing the sjw, leftist virtue signaling insult at you. I am sick of it.


If you want to blindly follow the masses, feel free. Join a cult while you’re at it.


I put more stock in the masses than I do you.


I don't like underwater civilisations untouched by man trope. I just don't like the people living underwater thing.

Nope. Aquaman was the same, but worse. I nope out on certain scenarios.

Aquamanians, untouched by land dwelling man, but with better technology than the people on land. Then they all live in one small city under the sea. Like, where's all the production and research facilities to develop & build all that crap.

I'm ok with wizards and magic, zombies, even gods coming to Earth. But you're telling me that in Aquaman they developed to a point where they're building high level CPUs under the water, and they welded all that junk together to have better technology than Bruce Wayne? Naaah, not for me.
