Anti-white porn

Rian Johnson is a talented filmmaker and Knives Out is a wonderfully crafted film, but sadly he lets his disgusting racist politics ruin what could have been a modern classic.

He did the same with The Last Jedi where all of the villains were white males, and all the heroes any combination other than white and male. He’s Hollywood’s woke wunderkind, churning out popular fare stuffed with a level of patronising social justice messaging that takes you way beyond eye-rolls and all the way to genuine nausea.

This film is designed to make us root for Mexican anchor baby Marta, who is portrayed as morally perfect and radiantly beautiful, as well as her purely wholesome illegal immigrant mother. The wealthy white family are portrayed as unworthy moral filth, and Johnson revels in the final image of Marta standing above them, having drained them of all their wealth.

The one exception is of course the deceased Harlan Thromby, but like a good white male he gives all of his wealth to illegal immigrants - that’s what you must do, you see, to appease Johnson and his scowling mob of social justice warriors.

Notice how Don Johnson’s pro-Trump character condescendingly hands his empty plate to the staff mid-rant without even looking at them, and of course is having an affair, the swine.

The two teenagers in the family are ‘alt right troll’ Jacob and ‘SJW’ Meg, but just when you think Johnson might be capable of an even handed portrayal, he has Meg apologise for her earlier scummy behaviour, and it looks like Marta will continue to fund her ‘college’ education (where all good kids go to become hate filled poor me SJWs). Jacob’s redemption arc is conspicuously absent.

It’s a great sadness that Rian Johnson’s talent is outweighed by his fascistic and painfully stupid politics because I’d love to recommend his films, but for as long as he spews racial hatred and advocates destroying the very civilisation that afforded him the enormous privileges that he now enjoys, I can’t, and will avoid paying for any content he produces. Go woke, go broke.


The one exception is of course the deceased Harlan Thromby, but like a good white male he gives all of his wealth to illegal immigrants - that’s what you must do, you see, to appease Johnson and his scowling mob of social justice warriors.

Not just gives all of his wealth, but actively sacrifices himself by slitting his own throat to protect her.


Extremely good point!

Actively participating in white genocide by killing yourself is the only way to redeem yourself in the eyes of racist SJW’s like Rian Johnson. He gave Luke Skywalker a similar fate in The Last Jedi, and Joseph Gordon Levitt in Looper.


Basically a wet dream of Hollyweird.



Actually Marta is depicted as a legal immigrant, not born in the USA as an anchor baby.

Although Marta is depicted by the family as being from Uruguay, Ecuador, Paraguay or Brazil, her country of origin is not revealed.

While Meg was accused of being a SJW, there is no indication she was. The other adults had rather ugly personalities though.

Harlan denied his wealth to his children, Marta did not.

If you can't even understand what is going on in the film, why should we trust your opinion?


Anchor babies are technically legal, that’s why they’re used by illegals to gain citizenship.

Given the bucketload of illegal immigrants from Mexico its most probable that her mother is from Mexico, but she could be any Hispanic illegal. Either way, it’s a moot point - she’s a criminal and shouldn’t be here.

It’s clear that Meg is referred to as an ‘SJW’, she’s going to college where they breed these people, so she clearly is one, there’s no reason to think she isn’t. The fact that arch SJW Rian Johnson redeems her in the end only cements this.

We don’t know what Marta will do with the money. We know she’s taken their house.

It seems like you didn’t understand the film, or more likely you’re an SJW and are trying to get the cat back in the bag now that the film has been exposed as SJW propaganda.


Yes, Marta's mom is illegal and should leave the country. Has anyone commenting on the film said otherwise?

Marta has not taken anything; Harlan cut this children out of the will as was his right to do so.

I understood the film. I'm not just the kind of person who makes decisions based upon racism.


Yes, not only that, one commenter thinks Harlan should have given financial help to Marta’s criminal mother before the events of the film. Plus, of course, the film portrays Marta and her mother as pure angels in contrast to the scummy rich whites - such is Johnson’s racism.

It was their house and now Marta towers above them in it, with her ‘My House My Rules’ mug, and we’re supposed to celebrate this as a victory over the nasty rich whites.

I’m different to you then - Rian Johnson’s racism caused me to ‘make the decision’ to condemn him and his racist film.


So you're saying that Marta and her family are not white? What are they then? How seriously do you take the "one drop rule" anyway?

I thought it was a victory over Hugh's attempt to frame Marta. Since it was Harlan who decided to cut everyone off, and Harlan who pushed Marta into not calling for help, Marta is an innocent victim in the affair.

Why is it racist to have a protagonist and an antagonist that do not share the same bloodlines?


Marta and her family are Hispanics. What is the ‘one drop rule’?

Hugh isn’t present in the final shot, which features the morally perfect and radiantly beautiful immigrant looking down on the morally depraved white family whose house she has taken, and the audience is encouraged to celebrate this.

Why is it racist to have a protagonist and an antagonist that do not share the same bloodlines?

How should I know? Your question is about a point that I never made.


Yes, not only that, one commenter thinks Harlan should have given financial help to Marta’s criminal mother before the events of the film.

That would be me, in another thread. I stand by that, within the context of the film and what we know from what we've been shown on screen.

Plus, of course, the film portrays Marta and her mother as pure angels in contrast to the scummy rich whites - such is Johnson’s racism.

It was their house and now Marta towers above them in it, with her ‘My House My Rules’ mug, and we’re supposed to celebrate this as a victory over the nasty rich whites.

Both things can be true. According to film events, helping Marta's mother is what Harlan should have done, given his character. This doesn't mean I think that's what he should have done from a moral judgement. Just what is logical based on the movie.

That, however, does not invalidate the rest of your comment. I believe that is accurate as well.


No, there’s nothing to suggest that Harlan would break the law to aid and abet a criminal.


Everything he told Marta to do after injecting him was a crime. So, you're clearly wrong here.


No it wasn’t, he simply tells her how to sneak out so that she isn’t wrongly blamed for killing him. None of which compares to aiding and abetting her criminal mother.


Honestly, it actually is illegal as even though we know she did not kill him, at the time the presumption between the two was she accidently gave him the wrong drugs. It may not be murder but at least manslaughter. Any effort on his part to help her not get charged is aiding and abetting I believe.


It’s a stretch to presume that a last second improvised plan to prevent Marta from being wrongly prosecuted for murder (which isn’t even manslaughter as you point out)… means that Harlan is in the habit of aiding criminals.


Attempting to cover up a crime is definitely illegal.


hollywood hates white people, they always have just now they are no longer trying to hide it


I think it’s a recent development, it only started popping up ten years ago, now it’s at critical levels.


yes these past ten years they really have not bin sneaky with it


It's not that Hollywood hates white people. It's more about how white supremacy no longer has as strong a grip on American society as it used to.

Openly racist white icons like John Wayne are dead and no one else with his star power is willing to take up the cause. Everyone will benefit from this.

The racists who do not have this outlet to preach their hate will probably reform themselves and instead make a place in more civilized society.


hollywood was always a propaganda machine used to degenerate America, now they just dont try to hide it anymore


Haven't seen the film yet because of that asshead Johnson. Your summary encouraged me to keep it that way. Thank you.


My pleasure. It’s actually a well made film suffocating in SJW propaganda. If you do see it, make sure you don’t pay for it.


It is one of my favorite movies and if you can avoid looking at it through racial (note I am not saying a racist) glasses I highly recommend it.

Yes, the family is white and they are not the best people BUT if you know several white families that get along with each other and are good people then you can look at it as these people are one group and they do not represent all white people.

I am also not saying this was how Johnson made the picture, for all I know Drooch's observations can be 100% on point but it is up to YOU as to what you take from it not him.


You must be fun at parties


Woke-busting is a lot of fun at parties, online, wherever. It sends Lefties into hilarious meltdowns and red-pills normies. Try it!


Great post drooch. Such a shame Johnson went down this path after making Looper.


I know, Looper didn’t have lashings of anti-white propaganda (other than the white hero doing what all ‘good’ whites like Harlan should do - kill himself)


So the little alt right troll is posting on message boards about the movie he himself was a character in. That's pretty meta!




"Huh? Whuh? Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh... duh?"


What are you talking about? Prick.
