Dani is a murderer

Sorry - but she used her power to ensure her BF was brutally murdered. She didnt even ask for an explanation! A man was sedated and raped - and consequently brutally murdered. How can ANYONE be rooting for Dani at the end of this movie ? If you are - you make me sick to my stomach.


After realizing the cult slaughtered all her companions, Dani deduced that if she didn't comply, and choose Christian, it's likely the cult kills them both. So, backed against the wall, out of shear desperation, she made the choice to pick Christian; At least she gets to live, and perhaps escape/warn someone, etc. However, after she watched him burn, and realized that she was now complicit in a murder, her already cracked mind broke completely. Wrapped in a powerful hold of stockholm syndrome taken to the Nth degree, she went insane.
Here is the last line from the script that illustrates her state of mind:
"A SMILE finally breaks onto Dani’s face. She has surrendered to a joy known only by the insane. She has lost herself completely, and she is finally free. It is horrible and it is beautiful."


I”m glad I saw your post on here, even though it’s 2 years old. Saves me the trouble of duplicating it. Yeah all I can say to what you wrote is “me too”. Came away from this thinking she was the most reprehensible character in this movie. To think people put down Christian as a bad guy, but he was the one who had compassion on her even when his friends didn’t & told him to ditch her, but he was like “Nah I can’t”. For his trouble she murdered him, she’s just as culpable as if she lit the fire herself.

Anyone who sees her as “empowered” or a tragic character, even sympathetic has rocks in their head, but in this era that’s par for for the course. It would be just if she was the next one to be be sacrificed down the line & even worse. Just wait till she turns 72. Hope the souls of Christian & all his friends are present for that jump.


I feel the same about The VVitch. Not sure why people consider that ending to be happy and empowering either.


The ending to “The Witch” was ambiguous at best, I”m not sure what it was supposed to mean but I never took it as to imply she was empowered. She just felt elation at being lifted into the air but that’s about it. Just exactly how was the devil supposed to come through on all his promises, especially the “see the world” part if she had to stay there for the rest of her life?


There are many people who see the movie as having a happy ending and that the family deserved what happened to them somehow. It's weird.


Those types of people ARE weird. Especially seeing how that poor guy (the father) got on his knees & BEGGED the almighty to spare his children. Tragic. Was he to blame for anything? Yeah the sin of pride which we’re ALL guilty of. He was a hard ass about his interpretation of his religion & wanted to be free to practice it, even though he was declared a heretic for doing so by his particular sect. You know, stupid stuff that no one can here can relate to I”m sure. It’s only one of the many IF not the main reason this country was founded, but ok.


Yeah, the dad was stubborn but that was about it. The mom being mad at the main character for the death of the youngest child was also understandable even if it wasn't her fault. Meanwhile, the kids teasing her were just kids. The family was far better than the witches going around eating babies and taking souls.


That's a myth


Christian's moments of seeming concern for Dani don't change the fact that he's a manipulative liar and a narcissist. Not just to her, but to his friends as well.


Not exactly... the thing is, someone was going to face a horrible fate, and she could only choose whether it was her douche BF or a total stranger. She couldn't stop the murder from happening, she couldn't save a life, she could only choose, or see what happened if she refused to choose.

So she choose, and you could see that it wasn't a joyous revenge, that she really knew no revenge was called for, that her mind was breaking from the guilt. He didn't deserve to die, he wasn't a monster, he was just weak, selfish, insincere, douchey, and identified as a good person but didn't know how to be one. But... well. The odds that the total stranger was a better man were overwhelming.


Oh yeah, they would have killed him no matter what she did, because he wasn't cult member material and they couldn't let him go back to the outside world.

So he was toast no matter what she did, but making her complicit in his murder broke her last psychological links to the outside world. Once she made the choice, she was broken by guilt, and they had her.


No one roots for her at the end of the movie.

She's been forcibly inducted into a cult, and the film's closing shot illustrates that she's lost her mind.
