"nice things"

follow the invisible bread crumbs for nearly ALL of our society's pitfalls back to desiring "nice things". Including this Anna issue.

Just think about it for a long while.


I agree that wanting "nice things" is the pitfall of American Society, and I'll map it out to you.

Back in the 60's the "American Dream" of owning a house, single car, 2 kids, could be achieved with a Middle Class income, whether white or blue collar. Coupled with Women's Liberation (not that it's a bad thing) and GREED, the family unit began to crumble. Both husband and wife working so they can have "nicer things", 2 cars, a bigger house, nice vacations and clothes. The kids are neglected. Divorce increases because mothers now have increased stress of home, work, kids.

Then a generation later add into that video games, cell phones, social media, and families are more fucked than ever. Result: Mass shootings, more divorce, fewer marriages..... a real mess.


You nailed it.
