"Why should it matter if the characters are white or black?"
The thing is that the character is NOT black. The actor is. This cool trend of distorting characters to make them black annoys me.
People want more blacks in cinema. I say GREAT! Make more movies with more blacks in them (and latinos, asians, native americans, arabs, etc). But to take anyone who's not white to play a white character is none sense.
What would you think if Marvel made a Night Trasher, a Luke Cage or a Puma movie with a white actor? Or if they took a white actor for a remake of Blade or The Black Panther? Will you still tell me "Why should it matter if the characters are white or black?" Or will you head for the barricade of double standards?
Authors/writers need to create more characters from all origins. It's time for them to use their fucking brains and CREATE instead of rebooting over remakes of reboots of remakes.
I know it's not the same thing but they also do reboots of successful movies using an all female cast. This is just as stupid. If women want to represent something... then they should stop just trying to be replacements for what men already did. Do something original! Anyway... end of the parenthesis.
Respect the existing characters (of all races and genders). Create new ones (of all races and genders).