MovieChat Forums > The Outsider (2020) Discussion > Anti-climatic and disappointing finish

Anti-climatic and disappointing finish

Sums up the whole series. Built it up to a decent if not great finish only to whimper off at the last episode.

-The gun fight was so abysmal. No covering fire from fellow cops when Holly's short-term bf dashed to a nearby truck to escape. When Jack Hoskins was raking that rattlesnake off the rock he laid on, we could clearly see him standing up and doing the raking yet the cops just hid behind the vehicles.
-The lack of emotion from Ralph Anderson when his compadres/friends got massacred in front of him. There was no mourning or funeral held either, was just left at that.
-The ease of killing El Cuco where he didn't do much except talk smack and ninja scratched Holly. The fact Ralph said he didn't know if it could be killed but still crushed its head with a heavy rock and just accepted it as dead. El Cuco was a pansy ass bitch that didn't scare or put up a fight in the end.


The name el cuco already sounds stupid....having a name like that you already failed and are as you say a pansy ass bitch.
So dumb


agreed on most everything,
so anti-climactic....& even inside the cave Holly & white guy were talking so casual & matter-of-fact like they're not standing in the presence of some unknown & potentially otherworldly creature,
& the whole "we make a great team, i'd love to partner up with you again, if the situation were to arise,"
like all normal human-type conversational & communication speech was replaced with inappropriate & awkward dialogue & both characters spent the rest of the episode acting like a life-shattering event hadn't just happened


Or like she doesn't have a friggin scratch on her arm.


This whole show was anti climatic and disappointing. The first 2 episodes were so gripping and sucked me in to the mystery. But then it simply stopped. Literally nothing interesting happened after that. All they did for the last 8 episodes was talk and talk and talk about this El Cucu "monster." There was so many different ways they could have taken the story and instead they made it as boring as possible. Huge let down.


Couldnt agree more. I felt a real True Detective first sesason vibe after watching the two first episode but then it got really slow paced with actually nothing extiting happening until the last two episodes.
But I have to give Ben Mendelsohn credit, what an amazing actor he is. If it hadnt been for his performance I think I would have given up on this show.


Thats exactly what I thought. I was thinking this was going to be another True Detective. It started that way but then it just never continued. Such a shame. I wonder if the book is better or at least better paced.


it was based on a Stephen King novel


That's disappointing you didn't like the slow build up. I sure did. It was trying to convince these folks to believe in the unknown, to try to figure out what this thing is, to trace its whereabouts, etc. I dunno I just like the drama with the added slight tensions between each ep.


I'm all for a good slow build up but it felt like they were just trying to fill the time to stretch it for 10 episodes. And then when the big climax happened I didn't find it all that great. Sort of "meh" feeling to me. Just seemed a lot of potential was wasted.


Yeah really anti-climatic.

Also, the Holly scratched thing at the end... omg, I hate this bullshit. Why? finish it like that? either give the Cuco a win at the end or a defeat.

Like Holly would not have seen the scratch in the shower or at any point in the 2-3 days that(at least) went by. She checked for the neck thingy and not for a scratch? right... also when did she get scratched? when she stabbed the cuco? when did she get close to him besides when he was playing dead like a bloody possum?

anyway, really disappointing finale, in terms of characters, writing, acting, and villain. Everything failed.


Because they are leaving the potential for a second season.


Even though it's a dumb premise for a second season.

So Holly is now cloned? buy the thing in the caves?

Not that interesting to me. If they teamed up again to catch another supernatural being then I would be into it, kind of a serious revisit of the Supernatural series. They could've set up that scenario not now holly is being cloned.


I was also wondering when El Cuco was ever even close enough to her to scratch her. And even if that happened when she stabbed him (not that I saw him raise either of his hands in that scene), wouldn't she have felt it?


I for one am tired of the supernatural antagonist being super powerful at the end giving the humans an unrealistic expectation of winning. El Cuco's strengths was lack of detection and people not believing in it, that's it. If it was some badass strong demon why the hell would it need to sneak around to feed in the first place? Those conventions that you wanted this series to have are stupid and annoying.


You nailed it! There was a reason El Cuco hid, and enslaved people to serve him while he attacked from the shadows.

Some super strong being, with healing powers, would simply adopt the persona of a serial killer kidnapper. Then when authorities got wind of him he would move to another state or country doing giant circles across the globe until enough time passed where the new generations forgot.


there was a lot of talking


Zombified reply because I was mostly loving it until the show runners just basically said "fuck this and fuck you" at the end.

Not to get all keyboard commando, but even someone with zero firearms training would know when the BG was exposed and distracted might be a good time to, you know, try to shoot him, improve your position or both. But these are *veteran cops* who don't know the basics of covering fire. I would have even accepted a serpentine run over seeing Ralph do multiple freaking Charlie's Angels poses with his finger on the trigger, sweeping his teammates ffs.

A full five seconds of the cave collapsing on them elapsed while they just stood there like idiots. Run motherfuckers!

The only thing missing after the head crush would have been Ralph dusting his hands saying "Well, that's that!"

I know endings are hard. It's because they're important... That BS dropped my series rating a full point. That'll teach 'em... *dusts hands


Anti-climactic & unrealistic.
