MovieChat Forums > Dolemite Is My Name (2019) Discussion > So far Eddie is "Overshadowing" the film...

So far Eddie is "Overshadowing" the film itself

"Dolemite is My Name" is generating a fair bit of praise but mostly some critics see the film as a "Comeback" for Murphy rather than the film itself. A larger audience will soon be exposed to the comic Rudy Ray Moore and his character "Dolemite" through Eddie but most having not seen the character nor his films probably will not be able to see the acting that is going on in this film but will only see "Eddie" the comedian.

This won't be a parody in the style of "Black Dynamite" and many viewers weren't in on that delivery as Black Dynamite was as much a homage to Dolemite as any other outstandingly made movie and not a ripoff.


Oh well. It's time Murphy got his comeback as it is.


Because Murphy will really be the draw and the attraction it is really a good thing for Rudy Ray Moore.

Rudy had a following but it was rather niche even within the African American community.


>>but most having not seen the character nor his films probably will not be able to see the acting that is going on in this film but will only see "Eddie" the comedian.

The film has a good enough story to be interesting to people well beyond the fans of Rudy Ray Moore.

Eddie is good and you are aware that Eddie is playing the part, but it's not distracting you away from the fascinating trip the movie takes you on.


When watching this, Eddie just reminded me of all his past characters, rather than a whole new one. Especially the ones from the early stand up films. The rest of the cast was great though, especially Wesley Snipes, who stole most his scenes.


I really enjoyed the movie and Murphy. Worth seeing it in the theater also.
