
I enjoyed when Obi-Wan called Vader "Darth" just like he does before their battle on the Death Star many years later. Also, when he says "my friend is truly dead", that kind of ties in to what he tells luke in Star Wars 77 about how Vader "murdered" his father.


Yes and it is so sad that he never did feel that Anakin was still within Vader. But now I understand better why he acted and believed the way he does in A New Hope.


Also echoes of Luke's line in ROTJ, "Then my father is truly dead."


and he still doesn't kill him. so dumb


Then if he killed him, how would you explain the events that followed? Vader couldn't die and you should have known that before watching


He still loves him. It’s too painful to kill him.

You are right. It’s dumb not to kill him, but people don’t always act rationally.


If he still loved him he would have killed him out of mercy. Like the boy killing Ol' Yeller, Obi would have shed a tear and then lopped his head off.


If he still loved him he would have killed him out of mercy. Like the boy killing Ol' Yeller, Obi would have shed a tear and then lopped his head off.

You are full of colorful metaphors.


Yup. This fight makes more sense as their last fight than ROTS.
