MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > SW 77 began as a Best picture Oscar nomi...

SW 77 began as a Best picture Oscar nominated film

Now the "Star Wars" brand is being used for Democrat party activism by a once great Republican company that no longer deserves Walt's last name. R.I.P. Star Wars, you are badly missed. And no, Star Wars was not "always dat way".


Great last episode, star wars is alive and kicking


You people having been telling Star Wars to RIP since the damn prequels lol. So much silly hyperbole. Move on, no one cares.


This is way better than the original trilogy!


^Said no reasonably intelligent person ever. LMFAO.




It’s funny you brought up how Disney used to be Republican since those at Disney would refuse to acknowledge that political connection today


Yeah, Walt's company has been completely invaded by Democrat party activists who are destroying his company from the inside.


It’s interesting too how the parties have seem to have shifted in recent years. Used to it seemed like the Democrats were the cool, peaceful, rational party and the Republicans were the lame, warmongering, irrational ones, but now it seems to have flipped where the Democrats are the enraged, irrational, and authoritarian while the Republicans are the sane, rational, and in some ways rebellious ones.


Yeah, even Bill Maher and Elon Musk are saying the Democrat party went too far left.
