Well, I just started...

And the first episode is dull. It's all about gap-filling, which always seemed to be the worst problem with the prequel series - Giving us all the details on something that we already knew how it ended. But, this seems to lack what made the prequels worthwhile; excitement and really wild things. I do not want to watch Obi-Wan watching little Luke and I do not care about growing up as a princess on Alderan.

I see people discussing Darth Vader and apparently exciting things will happen, so I suppose I will get back to it, but, what a disappointment.

AND - I did get back to it, and it turned out to be surprisingly good.


I for one am glad to see more of the Star Wars universe. Never cared much for the prequels after watching each film once, but am hopeful this show will be interesting at least.
