MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > which show has been ruined more, Star T...

which show has been ruined more, Star Trek or Star Wars?

I say Trek.


I was always more of a Trek guy but I had a look at the first episode of this so I think I can give an impartial opinion on it. It's very ordinary. That black actress is super annoying and over-acting (or just bad I'm not sure).

Trek has been ruined more in my opinion with dog shit like Picard and Discovery.

Sadly they're all copying the Netflix "churn out loads of content for our streaming platform no matter how good/bad it is" tactic. It's all quantity over quality.

I had a look at the spoilers for episode 3 of this and it seems like Disney have no respect for Star Wars whatsoever. Even I, a non fanboy, am appalled.


They're kinda neck and neck these days. At least Star Wars has some hope of being repaired one day, but Trek? I think the franchise is done for :`(


trek 100% with picard.
