How can Han Solo not have heard of Jedi and the Force...
if ten years prior to the first Star Wars: A New Hope SITH Inquisitors are searching for JEDI at Mos Eisley and all over Tatooine? Why would they be searching for a mythical thing that doesn't exist? Not only that, but they are using Jedi powers in public against Jedi who are also using the same powers. This is not consistent with what we are told in the OT and the PT. We are told that Darth Vader is the last of the religion and that Han doesn't believe in it (OT), and that most people (Han included) regard the Force and Jedi as a "myth" (ST). Han never heard old-timers at the bar in Mos Eisley about the Sith Inquisitors searching the port just a decade prior? It's little wonder that Moses Ingram's character is so sketchily laid out, since the whole concept of Sith Inquisitors is so poorly explained in the story to begin with. Are they under the supervision of the military, under Vader, or under the Emperor. What is their power structure? How do they operate?