New trailer

Seems woke.


looks awesome, pity its not 'A SW Story' film


It looks to me like a whole lot of nothing. Awesome nothing. But I think we're gonna see our characters running around, smashing into each other a few times, and in the end, status quo set back to where it started and absolutely nothing having mattered. Just a bunch of busy noise that doesn't further embellish the saga. I suspect this whole thing is a back door pilot for a Darth Vader series.


This! They show us what's happening inside a blackbox, while only the outcome we already know is interesting.


Then the 'true fans' should be happy.


Exactly. The trailer shows Obi Wan in fight scenes. Ok, I am sure they will be cool looking but we see him as an old man in Star Wars so by that no harm can come to him and so his fights will have no tension.

You can say that also about Darth Vader, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru and of course Luke. They all appear in Star Wars. So right from the off we know that no harm can come to them.

The only tension or emotion in this show will be new characters that no one cares about being killed off to move a story forward again that no one cares about.


By your reasoning, any adaptation of a book to film will be equally boring. Why watch three Lord of the Rings films when you know Frodo is going to throw the ring into Mount Doom? We all know Sauron is going to lose, so there's no tension. The hobbits will escape each predicament.


But this isn't an adaptation to a book put to screen.

People watch that because it is visual representation of what they have read.

This a 6 episode story that will tell no story as it can't due to the fact the events of Star Wars have to happen.

Your example is not the same.

A better example would be that they made a 6 part show between Fellowship and Two Towers. That would be equally as pointless.

Edit - Actually on further thinking this is the equivilant of doing a 6 part showing depicting what happens between the end of The Hobbit and the start of the Fellowship while using characters from both stories. It becomes a non story.


The entirety of your argument was that there is no tension or emotion because we know ahead of time that our main characters all live. That's no different than the Lord of the Rings. If anything, LotR is worse, because we know everything that will happen ahead of time. At least with Obi-Wan Kenobi, while we know he won't die, we don't know what dangers he will face, or how he will escape them.


Why watch three Lord of the Rings films when you know Frodo is going to throw the ring into Mount Doom?

I'd certainly recommend skipping The Two Towers entirely!


Yeah, but it might be a fun ride.

Trailer looks awesome, I'm already paying for Disney Plus, I'm in!
