MovieChat Forums > Doom Patrol (2019) Discussion > Sooo... basically The Umbrella Academy s...

Sooo... basically The Umbrella Academy set in the DC Universe?

or vice versa?


Pretty sure Doom Patrol is older. I read the issues these DPs are based on over 25 years ago. I could be wrong though. I know zero about that Umbrella thing.


Doom Patrol goes back to the 1960s.


Not the stories that are being adapted for the show. The show is loosely following the Grant Morrison run of DP. The stretch chick is the only call back to early DP.


Um Robotman is an original DP member. Negative Man is also an original DP member. Doc is an original DP member, so all of them. The particular stories being adapted are from more recent issues, (indeed, after I stopped buying comics), but the characters and the basic relationships go back to the beginning. Even Rita goes back that far, though she was far more in control of her powers.


Oh yeah... forgot Chief. Robotman was one of the founding members too? hmm. Honestly haven't read those way early issues. Only Morrison lured me into the pages at all.


Actually Chief, Robotman, Negative Man and Elasi-Girl (Chief, Cliff, Larry and Rita) were all founding members.


shows what my brain retains.


Hey, the are thousands of books and comics published, plus films, tv shows and other media. No one can retain all that data, even if one read it all. Different people will retain different things. Don't denigrate yourself for not remembering a detail of what was, honestly, a relatively minor comic series. (and I like Doom Patrol, so calling it minor is not a criticism.)


When I started reading comics at age 5, it was mostly Marvel. Fantastic Four, Dr Strange, and Machine Man. Didn't get into DC for a few years and even then very few hero titles from them. Only Green Lantern/Green Arrow. I didn't like the DC heroes. I thought they had dumb names and looks. I'd read Swamp Thing and House of Mystery/Tales of the Unexpected. Eventually I started following writers and got into some DC.

I didn't get into Doom Patrol until the 90s when Grant started writing. My knowledge of them before that was never more than cursory. I think I confuse early DP with early Legion of Superheroes.


Pretty much. With Brendan Fraser carrying the whole the damn thing. I gave up on it.


Both shows are connected by Gerard Way. He once wrote the Doom Patrol comic and is the creator of the Umbrella Academy.
