I have never been so disappointed by a series! [spoilers]
I was REALLY looking forward to watching this as soon as it came out, but when I finally got round to it, I have been severely disappointed.
I liked the fact that each episode was different and usually with a different style but each one in many ways was a let down in the end. However, there were gaping holes in most (if not all) of the stories and lots of dissatisfaction on their ending.
And I hated the intro for each by del Toro himself. Yikes!
Also, were they linked in any way - the first few seemed to be but then I didn’t noticed that any more?
Episode 1 was ok, but characters seemed either too over-the-top or stupid for it to be viewed well.
Episode 2 was ridiculous. Bad dialogue and hilarious corpse like the seagulls in ‘Madagascar’! (“Mine!”)
‘Autopsy’ was interesting and gripping, when it kicked off. I did like this concept overall, just slow to start.
The next episode was ok! Just… odd in many places. Style was interesting, mixing up decades.
Episode 5 was my favourite but only because of the time period it was set. Crispin Glover’s character was impossible to understand most of the time!
Episode 6 was interesting but the ‘monster’ to me was laughable - and don’t get me started on the human-faced/-skulled rat! WTF? I mean, very creative but I needed to know more. Rupert Grint was good.
Episode 7 for me was considerably the worst episode but that’s because I don’t appreciate that kind of ‘artistic’ style/decade - but also because it was just so stupid, boring, non-sensical and the ‘monster’ / the way the people died was ridiculous.
I think the last episode was probably for me, one of the best ones, which is pretty amazing seeing as how it was the slowest!