I have never been so disappointed by a series! [spoilers]

I was REALLY looking forward to watching this as soon as it came out, but when I finally got round to it, I have been severely disappointed.
I liked the fact that each episode was different and usually with a different style but each one in many ways was a let down in the end. However, there were gaping holes in most (if not all) of the stories and lots of dissatisfaction on their ending.
And I hated the intro for each by del Toro himself. Yikes!

Also, were they linked in any way - the first few seemed to be but then I didn’t noticed that any more?

Episode 1 was ok, but characters seemed either too over-the-top or stupid for it to be viewed well.

Episode 2 was ridiculous. Bad dialogue and hilarious corpse like the seagulls in ‘Madagascar’! (“Mine!”)

‘Autopsy’ was interesting and gripping, when it kicked off. I did like this concept overall, just slow to start.

The next episode was ok! Just… odd in many places. Style was interesting, mixing up decades.

Episode 5 was my favourite but only because of the time period it was set. Crispin Glover’s character was impossible to understand most of the time!

Episode 6 was interesting but the ‘monster’ to me was laughable - and don’t get me started on the human-faced/-skulled rat! WTF? I mean, very creative but I needed to know more. Rupert Grint was good.

Episode 7 for me was considerably the worst episode but that’s because I don’t appreciate that kind of ‘artistic’ style/decade - but also because it was just so stupid, boring, non-sensical and the ‘monster’ / the way the people died was ridiculous.

I think the last episode was probably for me, one of the best ones, which is pretty amazing seeing as how it was the slowest!


To enjoy Episode 7 I guess you had to be into the aesthetic...I almost instantly recognised the work of the man who brought us "Beyond the Black Rainbow" and although both this, and that, weren't exactly riveting, I like the dude's style.


I'd have to agree, I was let down with this series too. As I said in another post, the only ones I liked were Autopsy, Witch House, and Murmuring. I'm fine with build-up but the pay-off has to be worth it, and the build-up has to be actually interesting.

Most of the episodes felt like a pretentious waste of time, with a tacked-on ending that seemed awkwardly compensate what came before.


"hilarious corpse like the seagulls in ‘Madagascar’! (“Mine!”)"

Finding Nemo.


Oh was it?! 😅🤦🏼‍♀️
