Rank the episodes

1.) The Autopsy
2.) The Viewing
3.) The Outside
4.) Pickman's Model
5.) Graveyard Rats
6.) The Murmuring
7.) Lot 36
8.) Dreams in the Witch House


I've only seen the first three episodes so far, but, yeah, it's going to be tough to top The Autopsy.


Same here. Just watched ep3 The Autopsy. It was quite clever. Going to be hard to beat. I have a feeling it would be ranked number 1 for most viewers. The first two were okay for me, but not memorable (although I did enjoy the Cthulhuian demon).
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


The Autopsy is the only good one. The rest are mediocre.


I enjoyed Graveyard Rats. Gloriously over the top. Made me laugh out loud more than once.


I’m nervous that I’ve only seen 4 eps and you have them all listed in the top 5 already. The show must start to fall apart soon.


The Autopsy was decent.
The Graveyard Rats was OK.
The Outside was way too long, considering the material.
Lot 36 was incoherent and ridiculous.
Pickman's Model was awful.
I gave up part way through Dreams in the Witch House and won't be watching any more.
If Del Toro actually has any editorial control over this series, then all the hope for a Del Tor film of At the Mountains of Madness was truly a bad joke, because the H.P. Lovecraft episodes of this series are horrendous.


1.) Graveyard Rats
2.) The Autopsy
3.) The Viewing
4.) Pickman's Model
5.) Dreams in the Witch House
6.) Lot 36
7.) The Outside
8.) The Murmuring


8. Dreams in the Witch House, The Autopsy, The Viewing, The Outside, Pickman's Model, Graveyard Rats, The Murmuring, Lot 36.


1. The Autopsy
2. The Outside
3. The Murmuring

For me the acting and storyline was unparalleled in these episodes and the most satisfying making them my top three. The other episodes I found were just either too nauseating or too disturbing for me.


There is a poll fresh up on IMDb. Not many votes as yet but the current list is:-

1. Pickman's Model - 6 votes
2. Dreams In The Witch House - 3 votes
3. The Autopsy - 2 votes
4. Graveyard Rats - 1 vote


Thats a pretty good ranking. i thought the witch house was the better of the back to back lovecraft epis though.

1. the viewing. weird but really drew me in.
2. the autopsy
3. graveyard rats
4, the murmuring
5. dreams in the witch house
6. the outside
7. lot 36
8. pickmans model
