Is the way that Coop and Cami gouge an online response not realistic?
I don't know if their self-published videos are supposed to be on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or some sort of specialized blog. I do find it funny (not "ha-ha" funny but, "strange" funny) that they're able to elicit a wide-spread reaction from their followers literally in seconds. I know that this is TV and you can't exactly base things exactly how they would likely turn out in real time. But I still wonder, are we supposed to immediately assume that they have such a massive online following that they're followers will respond to their polling questions at the drop of a hat?
And what exactly is the time-table for them to post videos? They appear to post them live on the spot. The way that the show makes it out, it would appear that their followers know right away when they're going to be online with their next "Would you rather..." polling question. I would think that it would more plausibly take hours if not a couple of days in order to build a sizable response.