MovieChat Forums > The Hunt (2020) Discussion > As A Non-Partisan Hack

As A Non-Partisan Hack

I can say, I actually liked this movie.

It correctly called out the arrogance of wealthy elite liberals, who look down on working class people, while at the same time attacking the anti-intellectualism & loony conspiracy theories of the right.

No wonder it's so lowly regarded.


Exactly. Either side could enjoy it. It was brilliantly done in that aspect.


Yeah this movie is best appreciated by people on either side who can take a joke or everyone in the middle who gets sick of the stupid back and forth.


A taut thrill ride with an interesting message. Far better than most of what passes for horror these days. So why all the controversy? The elites were portrayed as snobs and hypocrites who only cared about the "right kind" of people and some of the working class characters were shown as too unhinged/conspiracy-obsessed for their own good. It was critical of both groups and the heroine was the only person who showed practical common sense. And kudos to Betty Gilpin for a great performance. She could go from quiet/mousy to a Cat 5 hurricane in a flash.


Yeah, she is really talented.

This was the first time I'd seen her, I think.

She carried the movie


She's also very good in the Netflix series "Glow," but her performance here was a real eye-opener. She really did carry the movie and did it mostly through looks/actions as opposed to lots of dialogue. Hope she continues to get quality film roles.
