MovieChat Forums > The Mandalorian (2019) Discussion > Half of the episodes of Mandalorian are ...

Half of the episodes of Mandalorian are redundant, story wise.

If you jumped from chapter 5: the gunslinger to the chapter 14: the tragedy it would make virtually no difference. All you'd need at the end of chapter 5 is an ADR line of Din saying. "I heard stories that there was once a Jedi fortress on Tython." to explain why they head there.

You could skip chapter 15 all together and just have Boba Fett attach a tracking beacon to Gideon's ship.

Don't get me wrong. I loved watching all the chapters. But looking back at what is supposedly the new benchmark which supposedly saved Star Wars, so much of it is disposable in terms of where the story of the last two series actually took us. The rest is all breadcrumbs from a loaf that hasn't even been baked yet.


I'm not going to deny your review of this show as it was spot on. Personally, I enjoy this show, but it is not without it's issues. I hope that perhaps since Mando is an elite bounty hunter that he will run into someone who so cunning that it will take multiple episodes before he can catch the person. Perhaps that is one possible way that the show won't be so repetitive. Still, it's light years beyond anything that the craptastic sequel trilogy did- not that it would have been hard for anyone with half a brain to top that dreck.


I'm okay with that. This isn't "Game of Thrones", an incredibly complex drama where everyone is on tenterhooks wondering what will happen next and suspense is a big part of the appeal, this is the meandering story of one guy living his life.

Yes, he's involved in something larger than his own life for the first time, he's been dragged into momentous galactic-level events. but he''s still just a simple man trying to make his way in the galaxy, and he's still got to earn his living. And even if he didn't have much of a life, I understand that he keeps trying to go back to it when he can.


Nah. It's much simpler than that. It's about a bounty hunter who snatches up a kid then he feels bad about it. So he takes 13 episodes (with about 6 episodes of material) to return him to his people.

It's so super safe and inoffensive and shamelessly nostalgia and fan service driven but some fans are calling it the best Star Wars has been, saved the franchise, what the sequels should have been.....

I really enjoyed it but man it shows some fan's true colours and intelligence when they say nonsense like that about it.


I like it, and I don't insist that you like it.

No need to be an asshole about it, too many dickheads in the fandom as it is. Keep saying stuff like that, on a Star Wars forum and people will start to assume you're one of the virgins.


I just said I love it.

It's clearly the virgins that want Filoni to be their new daddy because he added a superfluous cameo for his pet character from Clone Wars, and raise their chickenshit complaints about the sequels all over again.


Sorry, then, if I could sleep better some of my posts would be a bit more coherent.


I don’t know if I agree with that. I’ve never been a Star Wars fan (I’m a Trekkie at heart) and I still think it was the most entertaining take on the saga since the original trilogy. If I’m honest I enjoyed it even more than the original movies. So for me it’s about as far from fan service as it could be. It was just an extremely entertaining sci fi series which didn’t feel padded or overly drawn out to me in the slightest.


Frankly i prefer the structure of this shows. Where there a over arching plot but each episode is mostly its own story. I hate TV Shows that expect me to watch a 13+ hour movie. Mostly because there full of boring pointless filler. Mando never gets bored to me because of this reason.
