My thoughts on season 2
This was a really good season with some dull moments. I found the passenger episode boring.
The episode directed by Carl Weathers Chapter 12: The Siege was probably my favourite. It was awesome.
The Dark Troopers were awful. Did not like them at all, and could have done without them completely. Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka was ok. Nothing mind blowing. But she as the character will be something to get used to.
I'm happy that the kid's storyline has come to and end, so to speak. I was bored with the kid at times. But the kid touching Din's face was really nice.
CGI Luke awful. Did not like that at all. The reveal of Luke was a massive surprise, but I have mixed feelings about it. Sebastian Stan should've played Luke.
Boba Fett in the story is also one of mixed feelings.
I love the series, and I thought this season was really good.
PS: Seeing R2-D2 again was wonderful. I love that little robot.