The timing of the release of this series is obviously to bolster enthusiasm for Star Wars as we draw closer to the release of TROS, enthusiasm which has been at all time low with fan disillusionment with the sequel trilogy and the box office failure of Solo. It seems more desperate to me because even if people enjoy the show, they're not suddenly going to forget why they stopped caring about the Di$ney sequel trilogy.
My general opinion of the first episode is that apart from the totally unoriginal and piggybacking presentation of the "Totally not Boba Fett... okay yeah pretty much Boba Fett" protagonist, the episode was perfectly okay. It had a Rogue One vibe which I personally don't think is a bad thing.
Which youtube nut do you get your conspiracies from?
This is Disney+'s big-budget show to bring in subscribers, not promote movies. They premier it on opening day, Nov 12. People are excited about TROS, only deluded trolls can't see that!
I agree. Mandalorian is so good that my years old anger because of Last Jedi has subsided a little. Although, I'm still doubtful Abrams will pull off a great final movie.
I'd say it's a little early to call it "so good" overall but they do a good job with the presentation. The Star Wars aesthetic is nicely done but pretty much every Di$ney Star Wars release so far has gotten the Star Wars look down well. Overall though definitely a solid first 2 episodes. My only real issue with the series is the protagonist being %100 percent a Boba Fett replica, which follows one of the most criticized trends of the Di$ney era of copying and pasting iconic things from the OT but trying to present it as something else. (e.g. Jakuu= Not Tatttooine, Starkiller Base = Not the Death Star, Rey= Not more powerful Luke/Anakin with boobs )
Like why not just officially make it about Boba Fett instead of making a "different" character that's exactly like Boba Fett in every way? I've heard something to the effect that Di$ney has to pay George extra whenever they use OT characters which would explain this trend.
This sort of thing usually bothers me, but in this case Boba Fett is the most over-rated character of all time who died a total joke of a death in the movies. Let's just reset things a bit with the same but new and start over.
I like the writing, story, dialogue, characters, directing, original music (catchy melody), visuals, originality and after The Last Jedi fiasco, its continuity. It should look a bit like the original SW because it takes place only a few short years after Return of a Jedi. I do notice some nice creative touches like the hairy egg and interesting continuity with the downtrodden stormtroopers who work as security guards. I'd complain about fan service "Baby Yoda" but its so freaking cute and is my favorite character. I'm also rooting for the baby not to be turned in for a bounty. I actually care about these characters and enjoyed the jawas and creature fighting scenes with the Mandalorian. He reminded me more of Jango than Boba. Clumsy and vulnerable.
"every Di$ney Star Wars release so far has gotten the Star Wars look down well."
The latest trilogy should have a new look since it takes place decades later. They basically stole everything from the original trilogy including the look, characters and story. They wrecked the legacy of iconic characters which is unforgivable.
"Di$ney has to pay George extra whenever they use OT characters"
Not true. Disney paid Lucas $4 billion for his company therefore they can use and do whatever they want. The rehash of characters has more to do with Disney playing it safe. Lucas was partially paid with Disney stocks so he's worth more when they go up.
Boba Fett survived in the EU and they easily could have incorporated that idea into the "Di$ney" canon rather than make a "new" carbon copy Boba Fett character. And if they simply wanted to keep Boba Fett dead why create a "new" character that's a complete copy instead of a brand new, unique character? Again, the Boba Fett, copy and paste job is my only real gripe. Some people call that being "safe" but I call it lazy and uninspired.
The production quality & designs are good, the narrative pacing & direction is smooth so far but honestly I've felt that most projects in this Di$ney era have been "okay" outside of the complete dumpster fire sequel trilogy.
Mandalorians are going to be a little similar since they come from the same warrior culture, all wear armor, are good fighters and are fearless. He feels fresh to me and not as a Fett rip-off probably because this guy has heart, acts very human and I like the actor portraying him. Fett was more of a one dimensional cold-blooded killer.
SW will be fan films. Lucas' creativity and originality are no longer. The first six films were visually and artistically amazing. Disney copies.
There's nothing a "little" similar simply based on the Mandalorian connection. So far the character is a completely interchangeable copy of Boba Fett visually & background wise. He's a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter who looks and operates almost exactly like Boba Fett. He even has a similar ship. Boba Fett is iconic mainly for his visual design and his general background story. He said very little & was given very little character development within the OT films so it doesn't quite follow to suggest that the character somehow isn't very derivative of Boba Fett simply because he has more to say.
Having a nearly mute protagonist wouldn't go over well for any series and had they officially gone with Boba Fett instead of a carbon copy stand in, they naturally would have fleshed out his character all the same.
I'm aware that Boba Fett was originally killed in the OT but later brought back in the EU. I already made the point about how easy it would be for Di$ney to incorporate that idea into their canon if they wanted to instead of the copy and paste job they opted for with the protagonist of this show.
If you want originality, you're not going to find it in Disney SW. The mean fans chased Lucas away