The reveal at the end...

with Pete Davidson must have gotten big reactions on cinemas. It was hilarious.


One of those endings that improves the film as a whole.


Yeah, because of the ending this went up like 2 points.


Agreed, don’t want to give anything away but that was a shocker of an ending.


I think you're ok, if anyone who doesn't want spoilers opens a thread with this title it's kinda sorta on them.


True, but I try to be thoughtful.

If I wanted to be a troll I’d tell them all what happens to The Titanic at the end of The Titanic and really blow their socks off😄


I'm disappointed in myself that I didn't predict it. Definitely improved an already decent film.


Yes, a case where the ending is the strongest part of the movie. I think it's much more common for movies to fall apart at the end. That might be the hardest part of a movie to get right. One of the best plot twists I've come across.
