why the injections?
Time travel is always tricky, I think this movie is simple enough to work, I don't know why people needs to know the technology used to time travel, if it doesn't actually exist, any explanation will do!
In the other hand I found really unjustified the injections, I think I missed something here and I can't find anyone having the same question.
Why does she use an injection instead of just killing the targets in a normal, unsuspicious way? I mean, the big technology that allows the whole plan is the time travelling, she can go back and kill the original thinkers of whatever idea, but why the injection that allows to kill so grotesquely and having to press a button on a screen when she actually goes and find each one and makes physical contact?
This really bugs me, it doesn't spoil the movie at all, I thought it was very well done, not mind blowing, but the technically great aspect balances the average plot.
Please someone though of this injection thing or have an answer to me?