
The two running plots were about rescuing Maisy and Beta, and saving the world from a gigantic pharmaceutical company that wanted a monopoly on the food industry. The latter is why the original cast came back which had absolutely nothing to do with the dinosaurs. Take those characters out and you have no film. There was no plot that actually involved the dinosaurs, and we barely saw any anyway. Why was this even made? What has a genetically modified human and locusts have to do with anything that JP has ever been about?
I am sorely disappointed in this film especially because Fallen Kingdom had left us with a brilliant cliffhanger that open up multiple possibilities. What a completely wasted opportunity.


This film is incredibly bad. And boring. And predictable. And a waste of time.


My disappointment was the movie didn't lean very far into the science side of this story at all. For a while it felt like we were getting back to the roots of what Michael Crichton was all about. But then we just got a few broad strokes of mumbo jumbo and that was the end of it. I thought were gonna leave the dinos behind and wrap up the saga with a science thriller. But it just became a noisy two hour chase scene instead. Still, I really enjoyed it.
