MovieChat Forums > Burn (2019) Discussion > Did Melinda have Asberger's?

Did Melinda have Asberger's?

That was kinda the feeling I got from her. Socially awkward(doesn't pick up on social cues at all...not being able to feel physical pain (like when she burns herself with hot coffee)


I don't know, but I remember I liked this flick. You'll have to forgive me if my memory is incorrect. Melinda, one believes, was the dark haired girl. She was a bit off for sure. I thought it was loneliness. That business with the guy robbing the gas station, once again if I remember correctly, she wanted to join him and be part of it. She wasn't a criminal, she just wanted to be part of it, part of anything actually.

There was definitely something odd about her. I'd have to watch it again to get a better feel for it. One does remember thinking she was a very lonely girl.

I could be wrong though. Thanks to the poster - you've inspired me to take another look at "Burn" today. Hope I still have it.


Yeah I saw it for the first time today...I bought a digital copy of it on Vudu. It's a damn good movie and Melinda is definitely lonely! Her odd behavior really does seem textbook Asperger's...and not to be mean but it's hilarious...I swear I have a crush on her 😭 ..makes me want to find a girl on the spectrum.


Yeah I took another look at it last night. It's good , good flick. As far as Melinda - well, she's all over the place. Definitely lonely, definitely weird. Seemed as if she didn't know what she wanted. One minute, she seems righteous, then you think she may be a criminal (she considers walking out with the cash). Then of course what she does to that guy (won't name it here but it begins with an r). Is she an arsonist, goody two shoes, peeping tom, liar, truth seeker? Who knows?

Can't say I join you in the crush, but she was certainly a lot more interesting than the blonde headed girl.

ANyway, good flick, thanks for reminding me.
