Final season trailer!

I'm gonna miss this damn show so fricking much!


I love it, but it's definitely ran out of steam. I've watched the first 2 episodes of this season, and I'm a bit underwhelmed.


I was informed last night the show was back and i was like, "ehh, ill get around to it." Last season definitely left a bad taste in my mouth.


Really? I just watched season 5 a month or two ago & it was hilarious. With the exception of how Guillermo's vampire arc ended. That shit was anticlimactic af.

But I guess to each their own.


I'm glad it's ending rather than keep limping it along and wind up truly terrible. But yeah, so far it's meh.


I'll just binge the whole thing during the holiday break later this year.


I actually hate binging shows. I find that things written to be serialized have something of a repetitive nature when seen.back to back too closely. 2 episodes a week of any given series is usually my limit.


Ya, not gonna lie, I'm not a huge binger. It's just hard to actually find the time to enjoyably watch the stuff I like.

Even when I'm binging, I like to stretch it. Depending on the show's length & run time.

3 to 4 episodes a day for hour long shows. And a bit over 6 episodes for 20+ minute shows.

I don't like watching everything in one sitting. It's not enjoyable, for me personally.


The final episode was a let down. It basically just ends.
