
I predict that next season we'll find out that Nathan isn't really a bad guy and that what we all saw him do wasn't what it seems. He reminds me of Judy in "Dead to Me." His basic character shines through in what he does and says and he is a good person.


I am sure you are correct. I am sure we will also find out what Ingrid's story is and what she is protecting Nathan from.


Sounds about right, i was thinking exactly the same.


To be honest I think that's pretty much a given already. It was basically all but explicitly said he was doing it purely for the sake of keeping his family financially secure and not for sole personal benefit or because he was an a**hole. The whole thing was quite clearly a "wrong thing for the right reasons" type of deal.


Next season? Lol


LOL How right you are!


Filming is apparently finished on it.
