the family

Since Grace married into the family, why didn't she get blown up? the spouses all blew up also. do they have to be in the family for awhile?

Also if she was pregnant by chance, would the unborn baby just explode out her stomach?


I don't think she was technically in the family until she played the game, then when she drew the Hide and Seek card it was "her or them," and she won.


Then the game wouldn't make sense... As the other poster wrote... it was either her or them after she drew the hide or seek card... it wouldn't really be fair for her to survive until dawn for then to explode...


She divorced him a moment before he blew up. To Satan, this means she is not in the family. Still, she will inherit half the riches, though.

Also, her reasoning for divorce was not driven by greed or fear. It was driven by pure regret. Satan respects that.


She won the game by surviving until morning... Satan is not a cheater.
